Agency Plan
The Sentencing Advisory Council has prepared its Information Publication Scheme (IPS) Agency Plan as required under section 8 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic).
Establishing and Administering the Agency’s IPS Entry
The Chief Executive Officer of the Sentencing Advisory Council is responsible for leading the Council’s work on IPS compliance.
IPS Information Architecture
The Sentencing Advisory Council publishes a wide range of information – including reports, papers, and statistics – on its website. The Council’s homepage,, provides the initial point of public access for this information.
Information Required To Be Published Under the IPS
The Sentencing Advisory Council publishes the following information on its website as required by section 8(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic):
- this Information Publication Scheme (IPS) Agency Plan
- an Organisational Chart outlining the structure of the Sentencing Advisory Council
- a statement outlining the Functions of the Council
- details of appointments to the Sentencing Advisory Council made under section 108F of the Sentencing Act 1991
- our Annual Reports
- general information outlining how members of the public can get involved in the Council’s work and provide comment via our contact form
- specific information about public consultation arrangements for individual Council projects and how the Council treats submissions from members of the public
- public submissions in relation to specific projects.
The Sentencing Advisory Council does not hold operational information – such as rules, guidelines, manuals, practices or precedents – that assists it to perform or exercise its functions or powers in making decisions or recommendations.
The Sentencing Advisory Council does not hold information that it provides routinely under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic).
Further Information
Our Privacy Officer can be contacted about access to the Council’s information or documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic):
Privacy Officer
Sentencing Advisory Council
3/333 Queen Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
Other Information To Be Published Under the IPS
The Sentencing Advisory Council publishes other information of interest to stakeholders as well as the wider community, including statistical data, on its website. Where appropriate, Council datasets are also published on
IPS Compliance Review
The Sentencing Advisory Council will review and update its IPS Agency Plan as part of its website management framework reporting obligations.