Date of Publication
Sentencing Image-Based Sexual Abuse Offences in Victoria analyses Victoria’s five image-based sexual abuse offences and reports on:
- recorded and sentenced offence data
- sentencing outcomes for image-based sexual abuse cases
- the relationship between image-based sexual abuse and family violence
- the types of offences co-sentenced with image-based sexual abuse.
A two-page factsheet highlights the main findings from the report.
Authored and published by the Sentencing Advisory Council
© State of Victoria, Sentencing Advisory Council, 2020
Online Launch
The online launch of Sentencing Image-Based Sexual Abuse Offences in Victoria was held on 27 October 2020. The launch featured Council Chair Professor Arie Freiberg AM and the project team, who provided a simple summary of the report’s main findings.
The video of the launch can be viewed below and on the Council's YouTube channel. A transcript of the launch is available under 'Documents' with the report and factsheet.