Useful Links

External links open in a new window.

Adult Parole Board
The Adult Parole Board's role, membership and operation.

Australian Bureau of Statistics
ABS statistical and reference data.

Australian Institute of Criminology
Criminological research, conferences and publications.

Australian Law Reform Commission
Current and past inquiries, publications and media releases.

Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (NSW)
Crime statistics, online data tools and publications.

Careers with the Victorian Government
Vacancies within the Victorian Public Service.

Children's Court of Victoria
Practice directions and other legal resources, information for children and publications.

Corrections Victoria
General information on the operation of Victoria's prisons and Community Correctional Services.

County Court of Victoria
Daily court lists, practice notes, publications and information about going to court.

Courts and Tribunals
Online portal to Victorian courts and tribunals websites.

Crime Research Centre (WA)
Statistical information on crime and justice in Western Australia.

Crime Statistics Agency
Processes, analyses and publishes Victorian crime statistics independent of Victoria Police.

Department of Justice and Community Safety
Information about the department's agencies and portfolios.

Drug Court
Overview of the Victorian Drug Court, including offender eligibility and program conditions.

Judicial College of Victoria
Education and training programs for judges, magistrates and VCAT members. Access to the Victorian Sentencing Manual.

Judicial Commission of New South Wales
Continuing education and training for judicial officers in NSW.

Judicial Conference of Australia
Information about colloquia and publications.

Koori Court
General information about the court and links to related publications.

The Law Library of Victoria
The Supreme Court Library is open for all to access both digital and hardcopy resources, and we have staff available to provide information, advice and assistance.

Magistrates' Court of Victoria
Daily law list, practice directions, publications and forms.

NSW Sentencing Council
Current projects, published reports and general information about sentencing in New South Wales.

Post Sentence Authority
Monitoring serious offenders on post sentence orders and overseeing the post sentence scheme.

Queensland Government Statistician's Office
Data services for Queensland government agencies and other organisations.

Queensland Sentencing Advisory Council
Informing, engaging and advising on sentencing issues.

Sentencing Advisory Council (TAS)
Functions, members and current projects of the Tasmanian Sentencing Advisory Council.

Sentencing Council for England and Wales (UK)
Sentencing guidelines for courts in England and Wales.

Supreme Court of Victoria
Information about the court, daily court lists and publications.

United States Sentencing Commission (USA)
Sentencing policies and practices for US federal courts and access to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines Manuals.

Victims of Crime
Information and advice for victims of crime.

Victoria Law Foundation
Legal information resources and education for Victorian communities.

Victoria Police
Media resources and information about local police and Victoria Police services.

Victorian Commercial Teachers Association
Support services, programs and resources for educators.

Victorian Law Reform Commission
Information on current and completed projects.

Youth Parole Board of Victoria
Information on parole for young people serving custodial orders.