New Sentencing Snapshots Now Available for Six Sex Offences

Date of Publication
03 October 2023

We have released a new set of Sentencing Snapshots for six offences sentenced in the County and Supreme Courts of Victoria.

The six offences are:

The latest Snapshots cover sentences imposed in the five years to 30 June 2022. They include statistics on sentence types and lengths imposed on the most serious offence in a case (the ‘principal offence’).

All but one of the six offences (sexual assault) have an applicable standard sentence. A standard sentence is a ‘numerical guidepost’ that courts consider when sentencing a standard sentence offence. Standard sentences were introduced in 2018.

Court proceedings were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic over the five-year period covered in these Snapshots. For example, a dip in case numbers following March 2020 may reflect delays in court proceedings.

The new Sentencing Snapshots are available for download from our website.